Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Fatah Conference

In an attempt to assert itself as a viable and important national political organization in the Palestine, Fatah is holding its sixth conference in Bethlehem. The implications of such a conference remain elusive and the outcomes are even more elusive. What exactly is Fatah trying to prove? What strategies should its leaders follow in order to solve the internal divisions in the organization? Do they need to amend their charter and render it “friendly” in order to accommodate and please the West? What about Hamas? How does the conference affect Hamas as a rival political organization? How will Abbas and his supporters face the accusations that the PA President was part of a plot to assassinate Arafat put forward by the PLO General Secretary and leader Qaddoumi?

Below are some articles (Both in Arabic and English) that have updates and some interesting analysis:

[Arabic] Fatah’s Conference Hang on to Peace and Resistance:

[English] Abbas Maintains Right to Resistance

In a speech, Abbas maintains that following the path of peace and negotiations in accordance with International Law does not mean that the Palestinian Authority and Fatah are powerless in front of the destructive violations of the peace process.

[English] Can Fatah reinvent itself?

“There is no-one like Arafat.”

Many see Fatah as a corrupt and ineffective organization that is willing to compromise the legitimate rights of the Palestinian movement, and attempts to “revive” and “reinvent” it seem futile if the core issues are not addressed in good faith. The International community is observing and waiting for acceptable outcomes; will Fatah abandon the initial goal that Arafat and his comrades set forth 5 decades ago?

[English] Abbas's Party Holds Convention:

[English] Abbas: Popular resistance to go on:

[English] End rift, king [Abdullah of Saudi Arabia] tells Palestinians:

“I frankly tell you that all that the arrogant and lawbreaking enemy could not do to the Palestinian cause over the past long years of continuous aggression the Palestinians themselves have done in a few months. I am telling you the truth, if the whole world jointly strove to establish an independent Palestinian state but the Palestinian house remained divided, nothing would be achieved.”

[English] Peres urges Palestinians towards peace:

Peres calls for peace as he welcomes a US republican delegation. When introducing the group to Peres, Eric Cantor (leader of the delegation) said: "We are here to reconfirm the message that the US Congress stands staunchly behind Israel in its struggle and we are here to strengthen the US-Israel relationship."

[English] 'Fatah has never recognized Israel':

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